DOSC - Duke Optical Student Chapter

DOSC officers (l-r): Clare Cook, George Funkenbusch, Melissa Wu, Hillel Price, Eunso Shin, Julia Foust.
DOSC officers (l-r): Clare Cook, George Funkenbusch, Melissa Wu, Hillel Price, Eunso Shin, Julia Foust.

The Duke Optical Student Chapter (DOSC) is a Duke Student organization interested in research in optics and photonics.  They are officially affiliated as a student chapter with SPIE and OPTICA (formerly OSA), two professional societies dedicated to optics and photonics. Their affiliation with these societies along with the Fitzpatrick Institute for Photonics at Duke provides them with funding and resources that allows them to engage in many activities related to the exploration and promotion of optical sciences.  Here are some of the things that they do:

  • Professional networking events on campus and at conferences
  • Outreach programs to local schools
  • Support optics-related extracurricular projects
  • Interact with visiting professors in small groups
  • Assist with FIP breakfast poster sessions
  • To see more about these opportunities, go to DOSC Seminar presentation (2023).

Current DOSC Officers:

President: Hillel Price
Hillel is a 3rd year PhD student in Adam Wax’s BIOS lab, working on developing biomedical optics systems for detecting biomarkers of Alzheimer’s Disease in the retina. Hillel previously served as the Events Coordinator and First Year Representative for DOSC.

Vice President: Eunso Shin
Eunso is a 3rd year PhD student in Maiken Mikkelsen’s Nanophotonic lab. Her current research is developing a new generation of an ultrathin integrated photodetector with pyroelectric material.

Secretary: Melissa Wu
Melissa is a 2nd year PhD student in Roarke Horstmeyer’s Computational Optics lab, working on diffuse optical technologies to measure the brain. Melissa was previously the first-year representative for DOSC.

Treasurer: Clare Cook
Clare is a 3rd year student in the Computational Optics Lab, under Dr. Roarke Horstmeyer. Her research is on single-snapshot 3D and volumetric imaging techniques, particularly Fourier Light Field Microscopy.

Outreach Coordinator: Julia Foust
Julia is a 3rd year PhD student in Dr. Joe Izatt’s Biophotonics Group. Her current research project investigates the light collection efficiency of and optimal focusing for long-range Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR).

Events Coordinator: George Tian Funkenbusch
George is a 2nd year PhD student in Adam Wax’s BIOS lab. His current project involves hyperspectral phase imaging of erythrocytes for red blood cell disease diagnosis.

First Year Representatives: Sarah Mehka (BME) and Rahul Banerjee (ECE)

JOIN Duke Optical Student Chapter (DOSC): 

Please complete this google forms link with your name and contact information to join the Duke Optical Student Chapter (DOSC).

For DOSC news and connections:  

DOSC News and Connections

Calendar of Events: