Novel Spectroscopies

The Fitzpatrick Institute for Photonics is actively developing novel spectroscopic tools and techniques for application across the fields of chemistry, physics, engineering and medicine.

At one end of the spectrum lies "hard science" research such as use of ultrafast laser spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance to alter dynamics, use of nanosecond time-resolved techniques to examine the sub-molecular dynamics of polymers, and fundamental studies of photoexcited states. 

At the other is applied research using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and fluorescence to probe gene expression in single cells, low-coherence interferometry to examine cancer-related changes in cell structure, and high-resolution optical coherence tomography for medical imaging and tissue characterization.

Novel spectroscopies Faculty

Gayathri R. Devi

Professor in Surgery
Dr. Devi’s research interests include functional genomics, anti-cancer drug discovery and development, mechanisms of cancer cell signaling,...

Martin Fischer

Research Professor in the Department of Chemistry
Dr. Fischer’s research focuses on exploring novel nonlinear optical contrast mechanisms for molecular imaging. Nonlinear optical microscopes...

Richard A. Palmer

Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Dr. Palmer's research interests span the areas of analytical, inorganic and physical chemistry. Current projects involve the use of FTIR spectroscopy...

Michael J. Therien

William R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Chemistry
Our research involves the synthesis of compounds, supermolecular assemblies, nano-scale objects, and electronic materials with unusual ground-and...

Tuan Vo-Dinh

R. Eugene and Susie E. Goodson Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Tuan Vo-Dinh is R. Eugene and Susie E. Goodson Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Professor of Chemistry, and Director of The...

Warren S. Warren

James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Chemistry
Our work focuses on the design and application of what might best be called novel pulsed techniques, using controlled radiation fields to alter...

Adam P. Wax

Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Wax's research interests include optical spectroscopy for early cancer detection, novel microscopy and interferometry techniques. The study of...

Kevin David Welsher

Robert R. & Katherine B. Penn Associate Professor