Frontiers in Photonics Science and Technology
March 13-14, 2023 | FIP Annual Meeting Our annual symposium—"Frontiers in Photonics Science and Technology"—includes keynotes, plenary and invited lecturers, poster sessions, special topic sessions, lab tours and panel sessions.
Click below to review past programs and watch videos:

March 10-11, 2025 | FIP Annual Meeting
Symposium Keynote: Moungi Bawendi, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (2023)
Lester Wofe Professor in Chemistry
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

April 13, 2024 | FIP Special Annual Meeting
FIP is joining up with the Duke Optical Student Chapter to combine
a "Lightning Speed Centennial Symposium" to include:
1) Lightning talks from our current FIP leaders in their groundbreaking research accomplishments of photonics.
2) Lasers, Lenses & Light Outreach (LLL Day) presenting light technologies by leaders of our future, the Duke Optical Student Chapter.
3) Connecting us all in Space & Time presented by FIP & guest light painters. performing light painting demonstrations, a laser show, and light painting portraits.


March 13-14, 2023 | FIP Annual Meeting
Symposium Keynote: Stefan Hell, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (2014), Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Department of Nanophotonics
Gottingen, Germany
Plenary: Michael R. Wasielewski, Clare Hamilton Hall Professor of Chemistry; Executive Director, Institute of Sustainability & Energy; Director, Center for Molecular Quantum Transduction
Northwestern University (Illinois)

March 7-8, 2022 | FIP Annual Meeting
Symposium Keynote: Andrea Gehz, Nobel Laureate in Physics (2020), Professor of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles
Plenary 1: Duncan Graham, Distinguished Professor, Head of Department, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Technology and Innovation Centre, University of Stratchclyde, Glasgow (Scotland)
Plenary 2: Thomas Thundat, Professor, Empire Innovation Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University at Buffalo (New York)

Symposium Keynote: Rainer Weiss, Nobel Laureate in Physics (2017), Professor of Physics, Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Plenary 1: Ed Boyden, Y. Eva Tan Professor in Neurotechnology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Co-Director, Center for Neurobiological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Plenary IDL: John Dudley, Chair, UNESCO Steering Committee of International Day of Light, Professor of Physics, University of Franche-Comte (France)

Symposium Keynote: Donna Strickland, Nobel Laureate in Physics (2018), Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo (Ontario)
Plenary 1: Frederic Zenhausern, Endowed Chair Professor of Basic Medical Sciences, Professor of Radiation Oncology, Founder Director, Center for Applied Nanobioscience and Medicine, University of Arizona; Professoreur Titulaire, University of Geneva School of Pharmacy (Switzerland)
Plenary 2: Todd Zickler, William and Ami Kuan Danoff Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Harvard University (Massachusetts)

Symposium Keynote: Shuji Nakamura, Nobel Laureate in Physics (2014), CREE Distinguished Professor, Materials Department, Research Director for the Solid-State Lighting & Energy Electronics Center, University of California, Santa Barbara
Plenary 1: Ulrich B. Wiesner, Spencer T. Olin Professor of Engineering, Department of Materials Science of Engineering, Cornell University (New York)
Plenary 2: Charles M. Lieber, Joshua & Beth Friedman University Professor, Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Harvard University (Massachusetts)

Symposium Keynote: Steven Chu, Nobel Laureate in Physics (1997), Former Secretary of Energy, William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Humanities and Sciences, Professor of Physics and Molecular & Cellular Physiology, Stanford University

Symposium Keynote: Eric Betzig, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (2014), Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Plenary: Professor Chad A. Mirkin, Director of the International Institute for Nanotechnology, George B. Rathmann Professor of Chemistry, Northwestern University

Symposium Keynote: Professor W.E. Moerner, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (2014), Harry S. Mosher Professor of Chemistry and Professor by courtesy of Applied Physics, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University
Plenary: Professor Russell H. Taylor, John C. Malone Professor of Computer Science with joint appointments in Radiology, Mechanical Engineering and Surgery, Director of Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics, Director of Engineering Research Center for Computer-Intergrated Surgical Systems and Technology, The John Hopkins University

Symposium Keynote: Professor Theodor W. Hänsch, Nobel Laureate in Physics (2005), Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Carl Friedrich von Siemens Professor, Chair, Faculty of Physics,Ludwig-Maximilians, University of Munich, Germany
Forum Keynote: Professor John L. Hall, Nobel Laureate in Physics (2005), University of Colorado, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Plenary 1: Professor John M. Dudley, Chair, United Nations IYL2015 Steering Committee; President, European Physical Society; University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, France
Plenary 2: Professor Federico Capasso, Robert Wallace Professor of Applied Physics, Harvard University
Forum Special Lecture 1: Dr. Eugene Arthurs, CEO, SPIE, Bellingham, Washington
Forum Special Lecture 2: Professor Philip Russell, President, OSA and Director, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany
Link to Program
Link to View Talks in Video

Keynote: Professor Roger Y. Tsien, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (2008), Department of Pharmacology, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego
Plenary 1: Professor Steven M. Block, Department of Biology and Department of Applied Physics, Stanford University, California
Plenary 2: Professor Daniel E. Morse, Wilcox Professor of Biotechnology, Biomolecular Science and Engineering, Founding Director of UCSB-MIT-Caltech Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies, University of California, Santa Barbara

Keynote: Professor William D. Phillips, Nobel Laureate in Physics (1997), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and University of Maryland
Plenary 1: Dr. Joseph Hupp, Morrison Professor of Chemistry, Northwestern University
Plenary 2: Professor Peidong Yang, S.K. and Angela Chan Distinguished Chair in Energy, University of Berkeley

Keynote: Dr. Martin Chalfie, William R. Kenan, Jr., Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (2008), Professor of Biological Sciences, Columbia University
Plenary: Dr. Dave J. Wineland, Nobel Laureate in Physics (2012), National Institute of Standards and Technology, Physics Laboratory

Keynote: Dr. Ahmed H. Zewail, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1999), Linus Pauling Chair Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Physics, Director of the Center for Physical Biology, California Institute of Technology
Link to Program
Plenary 1: Dr. James Harris, James and Ellenor Chesebrough Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Paul G. Allen Center for Integrated Systems, Stanford University
Plenary 2: Dr. Raoul Kopelman, Richard Smalley Distinguished University Professor of Chemistry, Physics and Applied Physics, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Professor of Biophysics, The University of Michigan

Keynote: Dr. John L. Hall, Nobel Laureate in Physics (2005), Professor, University of Colorado at Boulder, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Plenary: Dr. Ian Walmsley, Hooke Professor of Experimental Physics, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Keynote: Dr. John Marburger, III, Science Advisor to the President of the United States of America
Plenary: Dr. Sir John Pendry, Chair, Theoretical Solid State Physics, Imperial College, London
Special Panel Session Opening Lecture: Dr. Peter Agre, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (2003), Duke University

Keynote 1: Dr. Charles H. Townes, Nobel Laureate in Physics (1964), University of California, Berkeley
Keynote 2: Dr. Watt W. Webb, Cornell University
Plenary: Dr. Michael S. Feld, Massachusetts Institute of Technology