Frontiers in Photonics: Science and Technology
October 10-11, 2011
View Program for FIP 2011 Annual Meeting
The 2011 meeting program will include lectures from distinguished speakers, contributed papers and posters by investigators from Duke University and other academic and industrial institutions.
Keynote Speaker
Martin Chalfie, PhD
William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Biological Sciences
Columbia University
Dr. Chalfie was awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize for his discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein (GFP).
"GFP: Lighting Up Life"
Plenary Speaker
David J. Wineland, PhD
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Physics Laboratory
Awarded the 2010 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Physics, Dr. Wineland's work has included advances in optics, specifically laser cooling of ions in Paul traps and use of trapped ions to implement quantum computing operations.
Distinguished Duke Speakers
Robert Calderbank, PhD
Dean of Natural Sciences
Duke University
Tom Katsouleas, PhD
Dean of Pratt School of Engineering
Duke University
Invited Speakers
Ken Brown, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Chemistry
Georgia Institute of Technology
Warren Grice, PhD
Senior Research Scientist
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Paul G. Kwiat, PhD
Professor, John Bardeen Endowed Chair
in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Physics
University of Illinois
David Moehring, PhD
Senior Member of Technical Staff
Sandia National Laboratory
Christopher Monroe, PhD
Bice Zorn Professor of Physics
Joint Quantum Institute
University of Maryland
Miles Padgett, PhD
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Glasgow
Scotland, United Kingdom
Olivier Pfister, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Physics
University of Virginia
Mark Saffman, PhD
Professor, Department of Physics
University of Wisconsin-Madison