Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering
My research focuses on the application of optical technologies for non-invasive, high-resolution imaging of biological tissues. In particular, our laboratory develops optical coherence tomography (OCT), scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO), light detection and ranging (LiDAR) and other optical imaging technologies for applications in the diagnosis and treatment of disease, particularly diseases of the eye. My work focuses not only on the engineering and technical development of novel imaging technologies, but also the preparation of these technologies for commercialization through clinical validation and regulatory approval.
Appointments and Affiliations
- Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering
- Faculty Network Member of the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences
Contact Information
- Office Location: 101 Science Drive, Fciemas 2574A, Durham, NC 27708-0281
- Ph.D. Duke University, 2012
Research Interests
Biomedical optics, especially optical coherence tomography, scanning laser ophthalmoscopy and LiDAR, applied to the diagnostic imaging, image guided surgery and robotic microsurgery.
Courses Taught
- BME 791: Graduate Independent Study
- BME 590: Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering
- BME 494: Projects in Biomedical Engineering (GE)
- BME 493: Projects in Biomedical Engineering (GE)
- BME 436L: Biophotonic Instrumentation (DR)
- BME 394: Projects in Biomedical Engineering (GE)
Representative Publications
- Narawane, Amit, Robert Trout, Christian Viehland, Anthony N. Kuo, Lejla Vajzovic, Al-Hafeez Dhalla, and Cynthia A. Toth. “Optical clearing with tartrazine enables deep transscleral imaging with optical coherence tomography.” J Biomed Opt 29, no. 12 (December 2024): 120501.
- Zhang, Jingkai, Robert Trout, Jianwei D. Li, Julia S. Foust, Kevin C. Zhou, Al-Hafeez Dhalla, and Joseph A. Izatt. “Line-scan phase-resolved synthetic wavelength LiDAR using an off-axis holographic approach.” Optics Letters 49, no. 20 (October 2024): 5755–58.
- Narawane, Amit, Robert Trout, Christian Viehland, Anthony N. Kuo, Lejla Vajzovic, Al-Hafeez Dhalla, and Cynthia A. Toth. “Optical clearing with tartrazine enables deep transscleral imaging with optical coherence tomography.” J Biomed Opt 29, no. Suppl 2 (June 2024): S20501.
- Wei, Franklin, Claire Y. Li, Kristen Hagan, Sandra S. Stinnett, Anthony N. Kuo, Joseph A. Izatt, and Al-Hafeez Dhalla. “Spiral scanning improves subject fixation in widefield retinal imaging.” Opt Lett 49, no. 9 (May 1, 2024): 2489–92.
- Hagan, Kristen, Kevin C. Zhou, Al-Hafeez Dhalla, and Joseph A. Izatt. “Shot-noise limited optical hybrid based on fused fiber couplers.” Optics Letters 49, no. 2 (January 2024): 347–50.