George Barth Geller Distinguished Professor of Chemistry
Dr. Liu’s research interests are focusing on the chemistry and material science of nanoscale materials. Specific topics in his current research program include: Self-assembly of nanostructures; Preparation and chemical functionalization of single walled carbon nanotubes; Developing carbon nanotube based chemical and biological sensors; SPM based fabrication and modification of functional nanostructures.
Appointments and Affiliations
- George Barth Geller Distinguished Professor of Chemistry
- Professor of Chemistry
- Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
- Bass Fellow
Contact Information
- Office Location: 2105 French Science Center, Durham, NC 27708
- Email Address: j.liu@duke.edu
- Websites:
- B.S. Shandong University (China), 1987
- M.S. Shandong University (China), 1990
- Ph.D. Harvard University, 1996
- Rice University, 1999
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Fellow. American Physical Society. 2013
- AAAS Fellows. American Association for the Advancement of Science, The. 2012
Courses Taught
- NANOSCI 511: Foundations of Nanoscale Science and Technology
- ECE 511: Foundations of Nanoscale Science and Technology
- CHEM 611: Foundations of Nanoscale Science and Technology
- CHEM 590: Special Topics in Chemistry
- CHEM 548: Solid-State and Materials Chemistry
- CHEM 494: Research Independent Study
- CHEM 493: Research Independent Study
- CHEM 394: Research Independent Study
- CHEM 393: Research Independent Study
- CHEM 311: Physical Chemistry II
- CHEM 101DL: Core Concepts in Chemistry
In the News
- Sustainability Discussions On Tap for Steelman’s Upcoming Trip to Asia (Oct 27,…
- Energy Initiative Awards Seven New Seed Grants (Apr 28, 2017)
- Light-Driven Reaction Converts Carbon Dioxide Into Fuel (Feb 23, 2017)
- Energy Initiative Provides First Round of Research Seed Funding (Apr 16, 2014)
Representative Publications
- Li, X., H. O. Everitt, and J. Liu. “Synergy between thermal and nonthermal effects in plasmonic photocatalysis.” Nano Research 13, no. 5 (May 1, 2020): 1268–80. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12274-020-2694-z.
- He, Shi, Dong Ji, Junwei Zhang, Peter Novello, Xueqian Li, Qiang Zhang, Xixiang Zhang, and Jie Liu. “Understanding the Origin of Selective Reduction of CO2 to CO on Single-Atom Nickel Catalyst.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B 124, no. 3 (January 2020): 511–18. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b09730.
- Liu, Jie. “Plasmonic catalysis: Heating vs. hot electrons.” In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Vol. 258. AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2019.
- Zhang, X., X. Li, D. Zhang, N. Q. Su, W. Yang, H. O. Everitt, and J. Liu. “Product selectivity in plasmonic photocatalysis for carbon dioxide hydrogenation.” Nature Communications 8 (February 23, 2017): 14542.
- Kim, C. H. J., D. Zhao, G. Lee, and J. Liu. “Strong, Machinable Carbon Aerogels for High Performance Supercapacitors.” Advanced Functional Materials 26, no. 27 (July 19, 2016): 4976–83. https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.201601010.
- Zhang, X., Y. Gutierrez, P. Li, A. I. Barreda, A. M. Watson, R. Alcaraz De La Osa, G. Finkelstein, et al. “Plasmonics in the UV range with Rhodium nanocubes.” In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 9884, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2227674.
- Cheng, Y., H. Zhang, C. V. Varanasi, and J. Liu. “Improving the performance of cobalt-nickel hydroxide-based self-supporting electrodes for supercapacitors using accumulative approaches.” Energy and Environmental Science 6, no. 11 (November 1, 2013): 3314–21. https://doi.org/10.1039/c3ee41143e.