Weston Ross

Assistant Professor in Neurosurgery

  • Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurosurgery, Duke School of Medicine.
  • Research Director for the Brain Tool Laboratory in the Pratt School of Engineering.

Appointments and Affiliations

  • Assistant Professor in Neurosurgery

Contact Information

  • Office Location: DUMC 3807, Durham, NC 27710
  • Office Phone: +1 919 660 5310
  • Email Address: weston.ross@duke.edu


  • Duke University, 2022
  • Ph.D. Duke University, 2019
  • M.S. Duke University, 2016
  • B.S. University of New Mexico, 2012

Research Interests

My research broadly involves the development of "smart surgical systems" for a variety of surgical and medical fields.  In particular, I am interested in developing laser-based systems for imaging and tissue manipulation.  This has included projects in modeling laser photoablation, characterizing tissue vaporization with CO2 lasers, and diagnostics with fluorescent spectroscopy.  I have demonstrated automated tattoo removal with a computer-vision guided laser photoablation system.  My ongoing research efforts are aimed at broadening this work to address skin cancers both domestically and in resource-limited medical settings, particularly in India.

Representative Publications

  • Ma, G; Prakash, R; Mann, B; Ross, W; Codd, P, 3D Laser-and-tissue Agnostic Data-driven Method for Robotic Laser Surgical Planning (2023) [10.48550/arXiv.2305.01524] [abs].
  • Prakash, R; Yamamoto, KK; Oca, SR; Ross, W; Codd, PJ, Brain-Mimicking Phantom for Photoablation and Visualization., Int Symp Med Robot, vol 2023 (2023) [10.1109/ismr57123.2023.10130243] [abs].
  • Ma, G; Ross, W; Codd, PJ, N-mirror Robot System for Laser Surgery: A Simulation Study., Int Symp Med Robot, vol 2023 (2023) [10.1109/ismr57123.2023.10130180] [abs].
  • Ma, G; Ross, W; Codd, P, Robotic Laser Orientation Planning with a 3D Data-driven Method (2022) [10.48550/arXiv.2201.01401] [abs].
  • Tucker, M; Lacayo, M; Joseph, S; Ross, W; Chongsathidkiet, P; Fecci, P; Codd, PJ, Creation of Non-Contact Device for Use in Metastatic Melanoma Margin Identification in ex vivo Mouse Brain., Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, vol 11945 (2022) [10.1117/12.2608975] [abs].