Professor of Physics
Prof. Wu is interested in nonlinear dynamics of charged particle beams, coherent radiation sources, and the development of novel accelerators and light sources. One of his research focuses is to study the charged particle nonlinear dynamics using the modern techniques such as Lie Algebra, Differential Algebra, and Frequency Analysis. This direction of research will significantly further the understanding of the nonlinear phenomena in light source storage rings and collider rings, improve their performance, and provide guidance for developing next generation storage rings. The second area of research is to study and develop coherent radiation sources such as broad-band far infrared radiation from dipole magnets and coherent mm-wave radiation from a free-electron-laser (FEL). With this direction of research, he hopes to study the beam stability issues, in particular, the single bunch instabilities in the storage ring, develop diagnostics to monitor and improve the stability of the light source beams, and eventually develop novel means to overcome instabilities. These areas of research will provide foundations for developing a femto-second hard x-ray Compton back scattering radiation source driven by a mm-wave FEL - a next generation light source.
Appointments and Affiliations
- Professor of Physics
Contact Information
- Office Location: 210 FEL Bldg, FEL Laboratory, LaSalle Street Extension, Durham, NC 27708-0319
- Email Address: ying.wu@duke.edu
- B.S. Beijing University (China), 1988
- M.A. Duke University, 1991
- Ph.D. Duke University, 1995
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- APS Fellow. American Physical Society. 2018
- DoE Outstanding Junior Investigator . U.S. Department of Energy. 2002
- China-US Physics Examination and Application program (CUSPEA) fellowship. CUSPEA. 1988
Courses Taught
- PHYSICS 493: Research Independent Study
- PHYSICS 141L: General Physics I
- PHYSICS 141D: General Physics I (DIS)
- PHYSICS 121L: General Physics I-A
- PHYSICS 121D: General Physics I-A (DIS)
In the News
Representative Publications
- Song, J., D. Rotsch, J. A. Nolen, R. Gampa, R. M. De Kruijff, T. Brossard, C. R. Howell, et al. “Photonuclear cross sections for Au 197: An update on the gold standard.” Physical Review C 110, no. 6 (December 1, 2024). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.110.064604.
- Liu, Peifan, Jun Yan, Andrei Afanasev, Stephen V. Benson, Hao Hao, Stepan F. Mikhailov, Victor G. Popov, and Ying K. Wu. “Generation of superposed orbital angular momentum beams using a free-electron laser oscillator.” Optics Express 32, no. 2 (January 2024): 2235–44. https://doi.org/10.1364/oe.510649.
- Kochanneck, L., H. Ehlers, S. Mikhailov, J. Yan, V. Popov, P. Wallace, G. Swift, et al. “Enabling Storage Ring FEL for lasing below 170 nm and production of 120 MeV circularly polarized γ-ray by VUV mirrors.” In 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1109/CLEO/EUROPE-EQEC57999.2023.10231725.
- Kochanneck, L., H. Ehlers, S. Mikhailov, J. Yan, V. Popov, P. Wallace, G. Swift, et al. “Enabling Storage Ring FEL for lasing below 170 nm and production of 120 MeV circularly polarized γ-ray by VUV mirrors.” In European Quantum Electronics Conference, EQEC 2023 in Proceedings Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe, CLEO/Europe 2023 and European Quantum Electronics Conference EQEC 2023, Part of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe, CLEO/Europe 2023 and European Quantum Electroni, 2023.
- Li, W., J. Yan, P. Liu, and Y. K. Wu. “Synchrotron radiation interferometry for beam size measurement at low current and in large dynamic range.” Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 25, no. 8 (August 1, 2022). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.25.080702.