December 7, 2022 | Duke Engineering
Competitive US Department of Energy program doles out time on nation’s fastest computers to most promising projects
December 5, 2022 | Duke Engineering
Proteins that emit longer wavelengths of near-infrared light help create detailed, hi-res biomedical images
December 2, 2022 | Duke Engineering
Sorting biological nanoparticles 500 times thinner than a human hair could improve a wide variety of diagnostics and treatments
November 29, 2022 | Duke Engineering
Duke engineers help a team led by Penn double the quantum information space of any previous on-chip laser
November 15, 2022 | Duke Engineering Magazine
A fortuitous collaboration between Duke BME’s Samira Musah and the Duke Human Vaccine Institute’s Maria Blasi helps illuminate why the virus is so adept at attacking kidney cells
October 19, 2022 | Duke Engineering
A photography workshop at Duke Engineering showed the community how to combine quirky light sources and long exposures to achieve otherworldly effects
October 12, 2022 | Duke University School of Medicine
When Toth joined the Duke faculty in 1993, she found the perfect setting to develop OCT to improve patient care.
October 10, 2022 | Duke Engineering
Data from smartwatches can help identify people with likely COVID-19 infections, enabling physicians to catch more cases with fewer tests
September 13, 2022 | Duke Today
The Jeffrey N. Vinik Professor of Electrical Computer Engineering at Duke will participate in strategic and operational discussions across the university
September 13, 2022 | Duke Engineering
New nanoparticle shape can greatly enhance signals from multiple separate biomarkers at once, accurately detecting head and neck cancers without biopsies
August 29, 2022 | Duke Engineering
High levels of horizontal gene transfer could help researchers engineer useful microbiomes independent of unstable population dynamics
August 29, 2022 | Georgia Tech
The gigantic jet in the study carried 100 times as much electrical charge as a typical bolt of thunderstorm lightning.
August 23, 2022 | Duke Today
Grants winners represent the strength of Duke's scientific research and potential for making significant contributions to region and nation.
July 21, 2022 | Duke Goverment Relations
Michael Troxel and Dan Scolnic Discuss Their Research and the First Captures from the James Webb Space Telescope
July 20, 2022 | Duke Radiology News
Ehsan Samei and Daniele Marin are co-principal investigators of a research prototype of photon-counting computed tomography