Systems Modeling Techniques Theory & Data Treatment

Advanced photonic techniques using ultrafast lasers, multi-photon, time-resolved and phase-resolved detection techniques, polarization and lifetime measurements further extend the usefulness of molecular and cell-based assays.

Another important advance in photonic technologies is the development of advanced imaging systems that have the combined capability of high-resolution, high-throughput and multi-spectral detection of optical reporters. Near-field spectroscopies provide important tools to investigate and develop new classes of molecular and cellular labels based on inorganic fluorophors, second-generation quantum dots, and plasmonics nanoprobes. Single-molecule detection techniques using various photonics modalities provide the ultimate tools to elucidate cellular processes at the molecular level.

Another area of research focus involves novel photonics platforms for ultra-high throughput assays and diagnostics and therapy in personalized medicine. 

A new research area involves the so-called "Terahertz (THz) gap", which refers to the region of the electromagnetic spectrum that lies between microwave and infrared wavelengths. Due to the difficulties involved in making reliable THz sources and detectors, the terahertz frequency range still remains one of the least explored regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. However, this regime is rich with possibilities in spectroscopy and imaging.

We will also form a team of theoretical investigators in systems modeling and medical data treatment, who will be developing the much needed mathematical models for deep tissue imaging and image construction.

Other important theoretical areas involve bioinformatics, biomolecular computing, and theoretical modeling of self assembly of DNA nanostructures and photonic nanosystems.

Systems Modeling Theory Data Treatment Faculty

Gaurav Arya

Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
My research laboratory uses physics-based computational tools to provide fundamental, molecular-level understanding of a diverse range of biological...

Alberto Bartesaghi

Associate Professor of Computer Science
Dr. Bartesaghi is an Associate Professor in the departments of Computer Science, Biochemistry and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke...

David N. Beratan

R.J. Reynolds Distinguished Professor of Chemistry
Dr. Beratan is developing theoretical approaches to understand the function of complex molecular and macromolecular systems, including: the molecular...

Volker Blum

Rooney Family Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Volker Blum heads the "Ab initio materials simulations" group at Duke University. Dr. Blum's research focuses on first-principles computational...

David Carlson

Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
My general research focus is on developing novel machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques that can be used to accelerate scientific...

Leslie M. Collins

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Leslie M. Collins earned the BSEE degree from the University of Kentucky, and the MSEE, and PhD degrees from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor....

Ingrid Daubechies

James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Electrical and Computer Engineering

Richard T. Di Giulio

Research Professor of Environmental Toxicology in the Division of Environmental Science and Policy
Dr. Di Giulio serves as Director of Duke University's Integrated Toxicology Program and the Superfund Basic Research Center. Dr. Di Giulio's...

Anna Mae Diehl

Florence McAlister Distinguished Professor of Medicine
Our lab has a long standing interest in liver injury and repair. To learn more about the mechanisms that regulate this process, we study cultured...

Jessilyn Dunn

Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Developing new tools and infrastructure for multi-modal biomedical data integration to drive precision/personalized methods for early detection,...

Timothy Dunn

Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Sina Farsiu

Anderson-Rupp Professor of Biolmedical Engineering
I am the director of the Vision and Image Processing (VIP) Laboratory. Along with my colleagues, we investigate how to improve early diagnostic...

Roarke W. Horstmeyer

Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Roarke Horstmeyer is an assistant professor within Duke's Biomedical Engineering Department. He develops microscopes, cameras and computer algorithms...

Megan Justine Huchko

Hollier Family Associate Professor of Global Health
Megan Huchko, MD, MPH, holds a dual appointment as an Associate Professor in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology and the Duke Global...

Jeffrey L. Krolik

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jeffrey Krolik is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University in Durham, NC. Canadian-born, he received his Ph.D. in...

Hai "Helen" Li

Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  Hai “Helen” Li is the Clare Boothe Luce Professor and Department Chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at...

Jianfeng Lu

James B. Duke Distinguished Professor
Jianfeng Lu is an applied mathematician interested in mathematical analysis and algorithm development for problems from computational physics,...

Miroslav Pajic

Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Miroslav Pajic's research focuses on design and analysis of cyber-physical systems with varying levels of autonomy and human interaction, at the...

Niko P. Pitsianis

Adjunct Professor of Computer Science
Nikos Pitsianis' research experience and interests are in algorithms and architectures for high performance computing, numerical linear algebra and...

Amanda Randles

Alfred Winborne and Victoria Stover Mordecai Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences
My research in biomedical simulation and high-performance computing focuses on the development of new computational tools that we use to provide...

Guillermo Sapiro

James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Guillermo Sapiro received his B.Sc. (summa cum laude), M.Sc., and Ph.D. from the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Technion, Israel...

Xiaobai Sun

Professor of Computer Science
Numerical analysis, matrix theory, high-performance scientific computing, and parallel computing. Current Projects: Theory and algorithm development...

Stephanos Venakides

Professor of Mathematics
Fields of work: Pure and applied mathematics, physics and biology. Specific areas: Differential equations,  integrable systems, acoustic and...

Weitao Yang

Philip Handler Distinguished Professor of Chemistry
Prof. Yang, the Philip Handler Professor of Chemistry, is developing methods for quantum mechanical calculations of large systems and carrying out...