Advanced Photonics Systems

An important aspect of the Institute's research programs is its "systems-oriented" focus on real-world applications. Critical to these applications programs, the Institute pursues basic and applied research in a systems focus.

The Advanced Photonics Systems program comprises several important research activities related to the development and implementation of systems:

  • application of virtual reality for there-dimensional data interface with potential applications in telemedicine;
  • design and testing of system-on-chip integrated circuits, distributed sensor networks, dynamic power management and fault tolerance in real-time embedded systems, design automation techniques for microfluidics-based biochips, and chip cooling using droplet-based microfluidics.


Advanced Photonics Systems Materials Faculty

Georgia Marie Beasley

Associate Professor of Surgery
Dr. Beasley is an associate professor of surgery in the division of Surgical Oncology at Duke University with a secondary appointment as associate...

Jen-Tsan Ashley Chi

Professor in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
We are using functional genomic approaches to investigate the nutrient signaling and stress adaptations of cancer cells when exposed to various...

Steven A. Cummer

William H. Younger Distinguished Professor of Engineering
Dr. Steven Cummer received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 1997 and prior to joining Duke University in 1999 he spent...

Sandeep S. Dave

Wellcome Clinical Distinguished Professor of Medicine

Emily Rose Derbyshire

Eads Family Professor
The Derbyshire Lab uses both chemical tools and biological methods to uncover novel aspects of malaria parasite biology with the ultimate aim of...

Henry Everitt

Adjunct Professor of Physics
Dr. Everitt is the Army's senior technologist (ST) for optical sciences, a senior executive currently working for the Army Research Laboratory in...

Gleb Finkelstein

Professor of Physics
Gleb Finkelstein is an experimentalist interested in physics of quantum nanostructures, such as Josephson junctions and quantum dots...

Katherine J. Franz

Professor in the Department of Chemistry
Research in the Franz group is involved in elucidating the structural and functional consequences of metal ion coordination in biological systems. We...

Haiyan Gao

Henry W. Newson Distinguished Professor of Physics
Prof. Gao's research focuses on understanding the structure of the nucleon in terms of quark and gluon degrees of freedom of Quantum Chromodynamics (...

Michael Eric Gehm

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Michael Gehm received a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Washington University in St. Louis in 1992. He earned his A.M. and Ph.D. degrees in...

Charles Gersbach

John W. Strohbehn Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Joel Alter Greenberg

Associate Research Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. Greenberg's research is in the area of computational imaging with a focus on physics-based modeling and system-level design from fundamental...

Sonia Grego

Associate Research Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
I am the founding director of the Duke Smart Toilet Lab, dedicated to the opportunities that data-rich human excreta offer to improve individual and...

Amanda Elaine Hargrove

Research Professor of Chemistry
The Hargrove lab harnesses the unique properties of small organic molecules to study the structure, function and therapeutic potential of long...

Brenton D. Hoffman

James L. and Elizabeth M. Vincent Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
The overall goal of my research program is to utilize an interdisciplinary approach to first advance the basic understanding of mechanotransduction...

Heileen Hsu-Kim

Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Professor Heileen (Helen) Hsu-Kim is an environmental engineer who specializes in environmental aquatic chemistry and geochemistry. Her research...

Tony Huang

William Bevan Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Tony Jun Huang received his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2005. His...

Brant Allen Inman

Professor of Surgery
Clinical research interests: Clinical trials of novel diagnostic tests and therapies for genitourinary malignancies, with a strong focus on bladder...

David F. Katz

Nello L. Teer, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering, in the Edmund T. Pratt, Jr. School of Engineering
Dr. Katz's research interests emphasize methods for prophylaxis against STD's, including topical microbicides, and for contraception.  Core...

Bruce Klitzman

Associate Professor Emeritus in Surgery
Our overriding interests are in the fields of tissue engineering, wound healing, biosensors, and long term improvement of medical device implantation...

George Dimitri Konidaris

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Daniel Todd Laskowitz

Professor of Neurology
Our laboratory uses molecular biology, cell culture, and animal modeling techniques to examine the CNS response to acute injury. In particular, our...

Walter T Lee

Professor of Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences
Global Health, Virtue-Based Professional Development and Leadership, Device Development for Cancer Detection, otolaryngology, ENT, Head and Neck...

Paolo F Maccarini

Associate Research Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Robert A. Malkin

Professor of the Practice Emeritus in the Department of Biomedical Engineering
Professor Malkin is interested in medical instrumentation in the developing world. Dr. Malkin is also the founder of Engineering World Health and...

Christine K. Payne

Yoh Family Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Christine Payne is the Yoh Family Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at Duke University. Her research focuses on understanding...

Zhen-Ming Pei

Associate Professor of Biology
My laboratory is interested in the early signaling events by which plants sense environmental signals and decode to give the appropriate responses....

William M. Reichert

Professor Emeritus of Biomedical Engineering
Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Sciences, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda (pending)Director of the Duke-Makerere BME PartnershipDr....

Michael Rubinstein

Aleksandar S. Vesic Distinguished Professor
The research of the Rubinstein group is in the field of polymer theory and computer simulations. The unique properties of polymeric systems are due...

Christoph F. Schmidt

Hertha Sponer Distinguished Professor of Physics

Daniel M. Scolnic

Associate Professor of Physics
Use observational tools to measure the expansion history of the universe.  Trying to answer big questions like 'what is dark energy?'.

Tatiana Segura

Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Tatiana Segura is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Neurology, and Dermatology at Duke University. She received her B.S. degree in...

Ryan Shaw

Associate Professor in the School of Nursing
Ryan Shaw leads interdisciplinary teams focused on integrating patient-generated health data and emerging technologies into innovative care...

Xiling Shen

Adjunct Professor in the Department of Pathology
Dr. Shen’s research interests lie at precision medicine and systems biology. His lab integrates engineering, computational and biological...

Tai-ping Sun

Professor of Biology
The diterpenoid phytohormone gibberellin (GA) plays pivotal roles in regulating growth and development throughout the life cycle of higher plants....

Eric John Toone

Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Dr. Toone is a physical organic chemist who studies relationships between structure and activity in the context of biology. Currently active programs...

Michael A. Troxel

Associate Professor of Physics

Shyni Varghese

Laszlo Ormandy Distinguished Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Shyni Varghese has a triple appointment in the Duke departments of Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, and...

Christopher Walter

Professor of Physics
I am a professor in the physics department studying particle physics and cosmology. I try to understand both the nature of the ghostly particles...

Qiu Wang

Professor of Chemistry
Research in the Wang group aims to answer fundamental questions that lie at the interface of chemistry and biology. In particular, we are interested...

Ying Wu

Professor of Physics
Prof. Wu is interested in nonlinear dynamics of charged particle beams, coherent radiation sources, and the development of novel accelerators and...

Huanghe Yang

Associate Professor of Biochemistry

Terry Takatoshi Yoshizumi

Professor of Radiology
Major research focus relates to the following areas: New radiation detector development and evaluation; 2-D radiochromic film dosimetry in CT;...

Pei Zhong

Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
My research focuses on engineering and technology development with applications in the non-invasive or minimally invasive treatment of kidney stone...